There is something special about a community of faith, a church family. There is an unmatched joy in celebrating Christ and new life together in a community. In fact, many of the moments in my life that I remember the most were moments that happened together in my church community.
This was highlighted for me as our church celebrated baptisms together on Easter morning. Directly after our Easter service, we all gathered outside in our courtyard, and we watched as people came in close around the pool that we had set up. There was no need for gimmicks or hype. It was so simple, and there was such an incredible excitement on people’s faces. There was a joy in the air.
And with each baptism, the joy seemed to grow! People responded in cheers, tears, and applause. It was a moment that I will never forget!
Why? What made this moment so powerful? What made this moment so joyful? I believe that is was two things…
First, it was simple and pure.
There were no gimmicks or tricks. There was no hype. There was no game. We witnessed the pure joy that is found in Christ as these men and women were baptized. The excitement we witnessed on their faces was the visible work God in their lives. The tears that we cried were tears of joy for the lives that had been changed. The cheers and the applause were expressions of joy and celebration together. It was simple and it was pure.
The gospel is so good, and people’s lives are still being changed as they respond to the good news of Jesus Christ. It is sufficient, it is power, and the gospel has never needed our help to make it more appealing or effective. It is pure, and when the church gathers around it there is pure joy!
I am reminded of a song by Will Reagan and Brock Human that says it simply…
I will rejoice in the simple gospel,
I will rejoice in you, Lord.
Second, it was shared.
Our excitement and our joy in this moment were like flames being fanned by each other. It was contagious! A moment like this was created to be shared. We witnessed young people excited about following Jesus, and we witnessed men and women who’s lives have been changed. We witnessed a husband baptizing his wife, and we witnessed families gathering around their spouses and children in joyful tears.

It was a shared experience that strengthened my faith, increased my joy, and encouraged my faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Here is my purpose for writing this post; if you are not invested in a church family, if you do not belong to a church family, if you do not rejoice for new life in your church family like this, and if you are not mourning with those who mourn in your church family, please consider getting connected to a church family.
No church community is perfect, but this imperfect group of believers are God’s plan to grow you and to bless you, and you are God’s plan to grow them and to bless them.
This is not a advertisement for Stone Oak Bible Church (or any specific church). This is an advertisement for the Church. And, we would love to help you get connected to a church in your community.
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