Have you ever had “one of THOSE days?”  The “all three of my kids and my wife woke up with fevers, my kid has an infected spider bite and needs an antibiotic, we got sent to collections for bills that we already paid, and when I turned around my kid poured my entire Buc-ees mug full of coffee all over the couch” kind of days.  

Sometimes life gets so chaotic and hectic and so many little things pile on top of each other that it can be overwhelming.  I remember being asked the question “what role does grace play in your life, today?” and although I didn’t really spend much time thinking on it at the time, it has really been something that I have recently given ample thought to.  

When I talk about grace or think about grace, most often I think about it in a macro sense meaning that God has given me grace through Jesus Christ and has saved me from my sins.  His grace has provided me eternal life and allowed me to be in right standing with God.  It is not often enough that I think about grace in the micro sense… how is grace affects every little detail of my life.  How His grace helps me deal with a kid having a tantrum, how His grace helps me to be loving and kind on the phone with a seemingly incompetent employee in a billing department, how His grace helps me to smile and be kind when my kid is playing in my coffee puddle on the couch.  

I am reminded of the words of Jesus “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  No matter what happens, no matter how big or small, in every circumstance that I face, His grace will ALWAYS be sufficient.  He will always provide the strength I need and through the power of His Holy Spirit, He will be made perfect in my own weaknesses.  

This definitely provides comfort and motivation to live each moment of every day in the power of His grace for His glory!