In the decade that Candace and I have been together, we have had the unique privilege of living in six different cities… which is a bit crazy.  Although I do not recommend that amount of moving for any young couple, and although I am deeply grateful that San Antonio is our long term destination, it has given us an appreciation for the uniqueness of each of those cities.  Each city had a unique culture.  Each city has different people with different hobbies and different tastes.  Each city had had slightly different values.  Community looks different in Dallas than it does in Kansas City.  Austin looks different than San Antonio.

Why is it important to understand and appreciate this?

It is impossible for us to engage the people in our city without engaging the culture of our city.

People and culture are connected. If you are disengaged and disinterested with your city’s culture, you are disengaged and disinterested with your city’s people.  If you are wishing for your community to look and feel like some where else, you are missing the beauty of your community, and most of all, you are missing opportunities to connect with the people in your community.  What are the best local places to eat in your city?  Where are the best local coffee shops or clothing shops?  What are some of the hidden gems of your city?  As you answer these kinds questions, you will position yourself better to connect with the people in your community.

It is important not to lose our local connections as we become more and more globally connected.

Everyday we become more and more connected to global issues.  Our “friends” through our social media networks are not limited by geography, and our news-feeds keep us plugged into global issues.  Some of this is great!  We are more connected that ever.  We are more aware and involved in global issues than ever before.  However, in the midst of all of that, it is important not to lose touch with the real people and real places that we see each day.  If we do, we will lose out on so much.  We will lose a sense of connection in the local church. We will lose accountability.  We will lose the ability to have deep and lasting face to face friendships.  Global is not a replacement for local.

God cares about your area code, and has assigned you there for a purpose.

In all of this, I don’t want us to lose sight of the fact that God has placed us where we live.  As much as this may be a daunting thought for us to consider, you are God’s intentional plan for reaching your community.  I have heard it said, “You are plan A, and there is no plan B.”  You live in the middle of a community that needs Jesus, and you have been placed there for a season and for a specific reason.  If we lose our connection with our local communities, I believe that we are losing our cities.  And, if we want to see our cities impacted by the Gospel, then we need to love our cities!

I know that no city is perfect, and that some of us are in a city that we do not instinctively love.  I know many of you are transient, and have to move often like Candace and I in the first years of our marriage.  That is fine!  But where ever you are, and for however long you are there, jump in with both feet.  Love your city and get connected in a local church who will do the same.

And on a related side-note, for those in San Antonio, let me know of any local spots that you enjoy in our city! Some of my favorite spots are Local Coffee (the best coffee in town in my opinion, and my unofficial office), The Cove (a great restaurant the has outdoor space for kids… can’t beat that!), and the Leon Creek Greenway (my favorite running trail in the city).  Let me know some of yours!